Friday, October 19, 2007
Nov 1999
Michael Mickley, PhD, Scientist, Perfect Science A.D.
Joseph Arme, DC, President, Full Circle Technologies International, Inc.
Introduction and Purpose
This presentation discusses 1) protocol developed for the treatment of a variety of disease states by nutritional formulations (�waters�) and 2) observations from extensive use of the protocol and waters. There are several unique aspects of the situation surrounding both the product and the interrelated protocol and product use. One is the wealth of experience and history of success in the use of this water in several countries over a broad range of patient conditions treated, including various forms of cancer, AIDS, and MS. While, historically, most of this information has been anecdotal in form, it provided the basis for development of the subject protocol now in use with EAV machines. Other unique aspects include the degree of detail of the protocol that has evolved, the consistent treatment patterns that have occurred, and the interpretative theory that has emerged to explain the beneficial role of the waters.
Together these different aspects provide a good example of how energy medicine is evolving as it integrates with science. The purpose of the presentation is to educate the audience and improve their understanding of a segment of energy medicine such that they can identify and describe differences between treatments based on symptoms and those based on energy patterns.
Description of Treatment Product
Full Circle Technologies, Inc. is manufacturing and distributing nutritional formulations developed by Perfect Science System Ayterion Aqua AD Inc. group and marketing them to healthcare professionals and consumers. Their mission is to provide a safe and superior formula, as well as the technology to measure its effects accurately, for detoxification of human tissue. The products (Balance, Breaker, Clear, and Alpha) are designed to promote systemic balance They are formulated as a concentrate and are available in the US only through licensed practitioners who have been certified by Full Circle.
Description of Subjects Treated
Prototypes of the products were tested in several Middle Eastern countries during the early and mid 1990�s. The products were originally envisioned as treating different symptoms or disease states. Several hundred successful treatments occurred with many different diseases. With few exceptions, these situations were not quantified or documented, although several testimonials exist. In an effort to place the use of the formulas on a more scientific basis, in 1999 the distribution and use of the formulas was tied into the use of an EAV machine called the Aquatron 2000 AD, marketed by Full Circle Technologies. Although data from EAV machines is still questioned by mainstream medicine, this data is providing insight and understanding in the use and effects of these products. Today, more formal clinical studies are being planned and research is ongoing in the US, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and elsewhere. In cases where*e the products are used to treat indigenous populations, the sophistication of the available data is low. At the other extreme, clinical animal studies have been undertaken in Turkey.
Description of Research Methods
The protocols below, all involving the use of the Aquatron 2000 AD EAV machine, are used in the sequence given.
� Determination and possible correction of the patient�s hypothalamic state to assure that the site-specific readings correspond to intended target organ sites.
� Determination of the baseline energy balance patterns in the patient
� Determination of the general environmental cause of the energy imbalance pattern
� Determination of the particular nutritional formulation and the particular dosage of use
� Determination of the effectiveness and tolerance of the proposed treatment to avoid unpleasant patient side effects and also to select a formula when it appears that multiple formulas or dosages are appropriate
� Periodic monitoring of the patient�s response to treatment and of changes indicated in the appropriate dose and particular �water�
Ideally, a patient would be tested every 2 or 3 weeks for a period of up to 3 months. This permits monitoring of the changing energy patterns and changing of the treatment water and dosage as the monitoring indicates. After a period of time the monitoring schedule becomes less frequent and eventually the patient may be put on a maintenance water and dosage.
Using the protocol described, data sets have been collected on over 50 patients covering a range of symptoms and, in some cases, previously diagnosed conditions. From examination of the data and from observations by practioners, several consistent results may be noted.
� Patients with similar symptoms have different energy patterns.
� Patients with similar symptoms indicate need for different treatment schemes (different waters and different dosages).
� When the EAV machine is used to indicate treatment (water, dosage), treatment results are consistently good; when treatment was given according to symptoms, treatment results were much less consistent.
� Changes in energy patterns (patient response to treatment) are much quicker with the Perfect Science nutritional formulations than with homeopathic medicines.
� The most frequent causative factors affecting the energy patterns are pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental hydrocarbons
� The causative factors most frequently encountered vary according to geographic location (such as Florida, Texas, and Japan)
Discussion of Results
It is assumed that illnesses develop in definite sequences progressing in the following order:
1. dysfunction at energy and cellular level
2. biochemical abnormalities
3. alterations in tissues and organs
4. recognizable disease
Energy changes first due to some stressor agent, then blood chemistry changes. Ultimately, there are physical changes that produce symptoms. Such bioenergetic changes can occur due to:
1. constitutional/genetic factors
2. toxic load
3. nutritional balance
4. mental/emotional state
The focus of the work presented is on the role of environmental toxins, such as synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals. A premise of the Perfect Science AD organization that developed the technologies is that such toxins have compromised the immune systems of all forms of life, preventing the natural defense system from to effectively warding off viruses, bacteria, and other challenges to the body�s health. The effect of toxins may be viewed in terms of the �bucket syndrome,� where the body�s reservoir for toxins fills up and at a certain level the body becomes sick; when the bucket overflows, the body is very sick. The aim of the use of the treatments involving the EAV machine and the nutritional drinks is to remove toxins from the body.
A general theory of what is happening to the patients is as follows:
� The waters do not heal; the patient�s immune system does the healing.
� The appropriate treatment of water is indicated by the EAV machine according to the major stressing agent compromising the patient�s immune system.
� The treatment water affects the various stressor agents and removes them from the body.
� The waters thus allow the immune system to operate at higher efficiency
� Changes in treatment water are indicated with time as a given stressor agent is successfully eliminated from the body and the next major stressing agent now controls the patient�s energy pattern.
An appropriate level of more detailed description will be provided as a handout including various case studies showing how energy patterns change with time and increasingly reflect balance in the patients energy system.
Michael Mickley, PhD, Scientist, Perfect Science A.D.
Joseph Arme, DC, President, Full Circle Technologies International, Inc.
Introduction and Purpose
This presentation discusses 1) protocol developed for the treatment of a variety of disease states by nutritional formulations (�waters�) and 2) observations from extensive use of the protocol and waters. There are several unique aspects of the situation surrounding both the product and the interrelated protocol and product use. One is the wealth of experience and history of success in the use of this water in several countries over a broad range of patient conditions treated, including various forms of cancer, AIDS, and MS. While, historically, most of this information has been anecdotal in form, it provided the basis for development of the subject protocol now in use with EAV machines. Other unique aspects include the degree of detail of the protocol that has evolved, the consistent treatment patterns that have occurred, and the interpretative theory that has emerged to explain the beneficial role of the waters.
Together these different aspects provide a good example of how energy medicine is evolving as it integrates with science. The purpose of the presentation is to educate the audience and improve their understanding of a segment of energy medicine such that they can identify and describe differences between treatments based on symptoms and those based on energy patterns.
Description of Treatment Product
Full Circle Technologies, Inc. is manufacturing and distributing nutritional formulations developed by Perfect Science System Ayterion Aqua AD Inc. group and marketing them to healthcare professionals and consumers. Their mission is to provide a safe and superior formula, as well as the technology to measure its effects accurately, for detoxification of human tissue. The products (Balance, Breaker, Clear, and Alpha) are designed to promote systemic balance They are formulated as a concentrate and are available in the US only through licensed practitioners who have been certified by Full Circle.
Description of Subjects Treated
Prototypes of the products were tested in several Middle Eastern countries during the early and mid 1990�s. The products were originally envisioned as treating different symptoms or disease states. Several hundred successful treatments occurred with many different diseases. With few exceptions, these situations were not quantified or documented, although several testimonials exist. In an effort to place the use of the formulas on a more scientific basis, in 1999 the distribution and use of the formulas was tied into the use of an EAV machine called the Aquatron 2000 AD, marketed by Full Circle Technologies. Although data from EAV machines is still questioned by mainstream medicine, this data is providing insight and understanding in the use and effects of these products. Today, more formal clinical studies are being planned and research is ongoing in the US, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and elsewhere. In cases where*e the products are used to treat indigenous populations, the sophistication of the available data is low. At the other extreme, clinical animal studies have been undertaken in Turkey.
Description of Research Methods
The protocols below, all involving the use of the Aquatron 2000 AD EAV machine, are used in the sequence given.
� Determination and possible correction of the patient�s hypothalamic state to assure that the site-specific readings correspond to intended target organ sites.
� Determination of the baseline energy balance patterns in the patient
� Determination of the general environmental cause of the energy imbalance pattern
� Determination of the particular nutritional formulation and the particular dosage of use
� Determination of the effectiveness and tolerance of the proposed treatment to avoid unpleasant patient side effects and also to select a formula when it appears that multiple formulas or dosages are appropriate
� Periodic monitoring of the patient�s response to treatment and of changes indicated in the appropriate dose and particular �water�
Ideally, a patient would be tested every 2 or 3 weeks for a period of up to 3 months. This permits monitoring of the changing energy patterns and changing of the treatment water and dosage as the monitoring indicates. After a period of time the monitoring schedule becomes less frequent and eventually the patient may be put on a maintenance water and dosage.
Using the protocol described, data sets have been collected on over 50 patients covering a range of symptoms and, in some cases, previously diagnosed conditions. From examination of the data and from observations by practioners, several consistent results may be noted.
� Patients with similar symptoms have different energy patterns.
� Patients with similar symptoms indicate need for different treatment schemes (different waters and different dosages).
� When the EAV machine is used to indicate treatment (water, dosage), treatment results are consistently good; when treatment was given according to symptoms, treatment results were much less consistent.
� Changes in energy patterns (patient response to treatment) are much quicker with the Perfect Science nutritional formulations than with homeopathic medicines.
� The most frequent causative factors affecting the energy patterns are pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental hydrocarbons
� The causative factors most frequently encountered vary according to geographic location (such as Florida, Texas, and Japan)
Discussion of Results
It is assumed that illnesses develop in definite sequences progressing in the following order:
1. dysfunction at energy and cellular level
2. biochemical abnormalities
3. alterations in tissues and organs
4. recognizable disease
Energy changes first due to some stressor agent, then blood chemistry changes. Ultimately, there are physical changes that produce symptoms. Such bioenergetic changes can occur due to:
1. constitutional/genetic factors
2. toxic load
3. nutritional balance
4. mental/emotional state
The focus of the work presented is on the role of environmental toxins, such as synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals. A premise of the Perfect Science AD organization that developed the technologies is that such toxins have compromised the immune systems of all forms of life, preventing the natural defense system from to effectively warding off viruses, bacteria, and other challenges to the body�s health. The effect of toxins may be viewed in terms of the �bucket syndrome,� where the body�s reservoir for toxins fills up and at a certain level the body becomes sick; when the bucket overflows, the body is very sick. The aim of the use of the treatments involving the EAV machine and the nutritional drinks is to remove toxins from the body.
A general theory of what is happening to the patients is as follows:
� The formula do not heal; the patient�s immune system does the healing.
� The appropriate treatment of water is indicated by the EAV machine according to the major stressing agent compromising the patient�s immune system.
� The treatment water affects the various stressor agents and removes them from the body.
� The waters thus allow the immune system to operate at higher efficiency
� Changes in treatment water are indicated with time as a given stressor agent is successfully eliminated from the body and the next major stressing agent now controls the patient�s energy pattern.
An appropriate level of more detailed description will be provided as a handout including various case studies showing how energy patterns change with time and increasingly reflect balance in the patients energy system.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Perfect Science Holy Grail of Water
History of Pan-Thor Technology/Perfect Science
My name is Terry Welch and I am activist; I am an environmentalist and a multi-dimensional being. I do not believe in colors, borders or countries. I believe in humanity.
My father and mother are activists. My sister, who runs my website, has been a Green Peace activist for years, both in the field and office. She worked and lived with Cesar Chavez in
I brought to ISKI (the
I was exposed to toxic waste from a shoe factory in
We accomplished that with Full Circle Techology, and the help of John Alderson, D.C., Joseph Arme, D.C., John Mikuzes, D.O., Jim Trider, David Morris, JoAnn Spreitzer, William Spreitzer, Randall Miller, Nancy Welch, Gerald Welch, Dan O’Connell, Esq. and my daughter, all of whom believed in me. We succeeded in completing a research project based on all the claims and various formulas that I developed. The development of these formulas happened in
I then started treatment on Slim Spurling, who was detoxified, along with Erick Eckvall and Joell. Joell started marketing the Breaker and Blood Disease (Clear) formulas in
We set out to do this work until we accomplished our goal; in 1999, we sought out a group to research the work which we had already accomplished. That group is Full Circle Technology. We took a machine, called the Aquatron, developed by Douglas Leber, N.D. whom you can read about in the book Diagnosis Unknown, written by Randy Smith. At the completion of our research, after the flood in Venezuala, I personally donated to
Dr. Michael Mickley and Dr Joseph Arme published a paper that was on our website, This is the truth and the story of Pan-Thor/Perfect Science/Perfect Science AD. I am not a crook, nor a criminal; I am an activist and a multidimensional human being. Our motive was to bring forth a new paradigm, not a new guru.
The Historical Timeline
The Beginning
Andrew Nixon, Charles Knox, Ralph Huntington - 20 years of marketing an exclusive formula for cleaning up toxic waste, nuclear waste, and all environmental toxins.
1992 –
Joint Venture between the Ayhan Doyuk group of companies which consists of Ms. Terry Welch, Randall Miller and Ayhan Doyuk. Websites:
This Joint venture was developed for the research and development of the Pan-Thor formula, which we prototyped in 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995 through 1996 with the Turkish government for the cleanup of toxic waste of sewers, lakes, rivers, streams, aquifers, oil, etc., under the auspices of ISKI, the municipality of the water and sewer department of Istanbul. Mr. Doyuk and Terry Welch worked with Mustafa Koresh in July, 1992 at the time of the workers’ strike on the sewers and garbage dumps in
1992 -
Randall Miller brought a man by the name of Ira Boggs to finance the company called International Beef Live Animal Import and Export. Randall Miller lives in New Jersey and is quoted on the internet on Alan Heart’s website, and gave a speech in Chicago, Illinois at the symposium in 1998 that introduced that introduced to the American public, and the companies present, some of them being SMC, Shell Oil, Clark Oil, and all many other many companies who worked with us This event was held in Carol Stream Illinois and was paid for by Mr. Jerry Tulley, who returned from Istanbul after being sent there by Mr. Lex Hahn and Ms. Terry Welch to tour the Perfect Science A.D. factory, in
1994 –
Early in the year 1994, Jamjoon Group (Sheik Jamjoom), Ayhan Doyuk, Pan-Thor Technology (Randall Miller, Andrew Nixon, Terry Welch, Ayhan Doyuk) and Dick Wensel formed a company by the name of Perfect Science, which has been published in newspapers and is described as a Saudi Arabian/Turkish company.
In early 1994, Ms. Terry Welch and Randall Miller talked to a very gracious and famous man who is personal friends with Terry Welch and her family, Sheik Jamjoom, the owner of Jamjoom Center for Commerce and Industry, and his assistant and vice president Nacim, who has been working in a business association with Terry Welch for many years in Saudi Arabia. He came to
1996 -
The UN conference Habitat II –
Present Mr. Lex Hahn, Mr. Andrew Nixon, Mr Ayhan Doyuk. All arrangements for the United Nations presentation was made by Terry Welch and Andrew Nixon. We presented for the commercialization part of the United Nations conference and we also spoke at the office conference (Mr. Andrew Nixon) arranged by Sir Anthony Edwards.
In 1996, Andrew Nixon (an unexpected last minute speaker) spoke at the United Nations conference, Habitat II, that was held in
September, 1997 –
Pan-Thor Technology/Perfect Science demonstrates to the Corps of Engineers in
The international office of the EPA,
We demonstrated to the city of
September, 1997 –
Terry Welch, Andrew Nixon visit the IGT (International Gas Technologies,
December, 1997 –
John Kilbane, Terry Welch, travel to
March, 1998 -
John Micuzes, D.C., an EPA official (with special permission from the EPA as a consultant), Dr. Tom Ball and Ms. Terry Welch, travel to Torlu, Turkey to tour the factory and to discuss future cleanup in joint cooperation to do research development in the United States with the Perfect Science formula.
June-August 1999 –
Perfect Science was approached by Michael Mathias who stayed in
August, 1999 –
Michael Mathias’ Invitation to Symposium:
“Greetings from
Many of you recently emailed me inquiring about a symposium to be held in
On August 7th and 8th, a symposium will be held at the Tarabya Hotel in
For those of you who are unable to attend this particular event but have an interest in coming to
If you are interested in attending this special four-day Perfect Science event, please respond back to this message confirming your interest, and I will be sure to send you further details in the coming weeks. Also, please feel free to forward this message to friends and family who may also be interested in attending this special event. If you are planning to attend the symposium in early August, please respond with your planned arrival date and flight information and I will be happy to assist you with hotel arrangements or whatever else you may need in anticipation of that event.
Your interest in these events and your underlying intent to help restore the Earth to its original, pristine state is sincerely appreciated. We look forward to continued interaction with you related to the Perfect Science mission and hope to welcome each you to
Sincerely, Michael J. Mathias Download Neoplanet at”
In attendance (we cannot name all of them - there are so many) Anna Ramser , Switzerland, Roger Lawson, England and Ireland, Joanna Buckland, big island of Hawaii, JoAnn Spreitzer, Lockport, Illinois, William Spreitzer, Lockport, Illinois, Lex Hahn, Joliet, IL, Randall Miller, Oakhurst New Jersey. Andrew Nixon Sharon, Connecticut; Sheila McCarthy (whose tickets were paid for by AD Perfect, Joliet, Illinois for the purpose of filming the conference, and who refused to turn over the film after the conference, asking AD Perfect for $11,000, which was impossible after the earthquake – all the money we had was going to restoring the factory), Gunner Keeler, the son of the film star late Howard Keel, Dallas TX; Vicki Goodwin, and many others.
August, 1999 –
Earthquake devastates Perfect Science factory in
I, Terry Welch and Daniel O’Connell would like to thank the late Dr. Joshua Stone, his wife, Wistancia Stone, for purchasing a large amount of the Water of Life ( formula from us in the United States at our company, which is owned by Terry Welch and Ayhan Doyuk (AD Perfect, Inc) after the earthquake to help us pull machinery out of the ground and hire people to help us do that. That money went with receipts and wire transfers to Ayhan Doyuk to assist him after Perfect Science, the factory and all the work we had accomplished was destroyed by an earthquake We would also like to thank Ann Meril for purchasing the Perfect Science formula, Mother’s Water; that money also went to help support pulling the equipment out of the ground. That money was delivered (with receipts) by the Perfect Science team to Ayhan Doyuk to pay for equipment, bottles and labels. I, Terry Welch, would like to thank Richard and Joslyn MacIntyre for the $50,000 they personally gave Ayhan Doyuk for the sole purpose of helping him start all over again. I, Terry Welch, would like to thank Wistancia Stone, the late Joshua David Stone. Anna Ramser, Roger Lawson, Carol Lawson, William Baumgartner, Joanne Spreitzer, Bill Spreitzer, the late Mona Harris, James Sia, Mihul (What the Bleep Do We Know), World Water Day, Yelm, Washington, Dan O’Connell, and Lex Hahn, for all the financial support, belief, complete true faith, dedication to serving the planet, and the work they’ve done with Mothers Water, Planet Water, and Water of Life and for their financial support over the years that went (with receipt and proof in our attorney’s office, 815-723-2909) directly to Turkey. At no time did Lex Hahn, Daniel O’Connell, JoAnn Spreitzer, William Spreitzer, or myself, Terry Welch, receive any money, any profits or any gain. The monies that were made from the sale of Mother’s Water and the Water of Life went directly to
October of 1999 –
The development with AD Perfect, Inc., Joliet IL, Perfect Science A.D., and World Water Day, Yelm, Washington, and Mihul of a joint venture between AD Perfect Inc, Full Circle, the World Water Day, Perfect Science A.D., to market and sell formula in Yelm, Washington and all over the world. We marketed and sold Concentration, Grail, Breaker and Clear and many other products. They purchased an Aquatron and assisted
November 1999 –
Yelm Washington, Mr. Doyuk World Water Day, Carol Lawson, and Mihul gave a symposium. Speaking were William Baumgartner, Daniel O’Connell, Mihul (What the Bleep Do We Know) and Ayhan Doyuk - who demonstrated the Perfect Science A.D